Dec 16, 2011

Today's Martyrs

Often we say, “If an assassin put a gun to my head, I would die for Christ.”
But how many of us will lay down temptation for Christ?
How many would give up our rights if it wasn’t fair?
How many would bless the Lord if He took away a person we loved?
How many would remain committed if no one else did?

The test of our devotion to God is not in the pinnacle moments, but in the everyday decisions. It is not always the crisis moments that really show our commitment to God. It is our response to the daily tasks, the small disappointments, and the mundane life, that truly prove us His own or not.

Radical faith is born of radical obedience. Christ doesn’t ask for great deeds, but for great character. He doesn't long for fields strewn with corpses of martyrs, He desires vessels that are empty of themselves and willing to be used however He asks. These are the real heroes of the faith: the man who rises before dawn to spend time in prayer, the woman who forgives an offense quickly, the man who will not watch a certain movie because he wishes to keep his mind pure, the girl that holds her tongue when she'd rather lash out.

Yes, some of us may die for our faith – but all of us are called to crucify our flesh - with all its passion for earthly lusts - and to do it today, tomorrow, and each day.


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