Nov 25, 2009


Once You gave me a treasure

I held it tight

I gave it my heart

I made it my life

There in my clutches

My treasure was me

It was all consuming

It was my soul, my destiny

You came and asked for my treasure

And I closed my hand

I rebelled against Your right

To return and demand

“These things are mine,” I said

“You gave them, You recall

This just isn’t fair

You must not love me at all.”

Held onto so fiercely

My treasures all shattered

My cold heart broke with them

My hopes quickly scattered

And because my identity

Was so tied to these

I was left with nothing at all

Not even my dreams

“My treasure has failed me,

I have nothing!” I cried.

You said, “I didn’t bring you this far

To leave you behind.”

That was the day of my turning

In my mind was a shift

I began to pursue the Giver

Not just His gift

So I ran with new fire

That day and after

You healed my heart

Restored love and new laughter

Joy in the journey

And fresh treasure beside

This was turning out to be one wonderful ride

Then You whispered once more

“Give Me all of Your treasures”

And these fists once clenched

Now hands opened in surrender

All that I own, I offer

My love, my hope, my life

Because I've learned when You take

You give it back multiplied


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